This website is a work in progress. By no means is it intended to be the final word on this topic. Rather, I pray that it will be used by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), to encourage the reader to carefully contemplate and prayerfully study the word of Abba for themselves, being lead into the truth by the Spirit of Yahveh. Constructive criticism, comments and suggestions based on such study will be gratefully received and considered. May the end result be a fuller understanding of YHVH our Abba and His wonderful Word, in which He reveals Himself to those who love Him, diligently seek Him, and keep His commandments! (John 14:15,21).
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I give you my all...Ray McDonald
There are over 600 teachings listed below. Many of the following teachings, in alphabetical order, are excerpts from my various books. Please forgive me for my bad spelling and punctuation errors. I don't claim to be, nor am I a good writer.
40 The significance of the number
324 Prophesies pointing to Yeshua in the Old Testament
1Cor. 1:12-15 Baptized in the name of your Rabbi
*1Cor. 2:1-5 Wisdom of men verses Yah's spirit
1Cor. 2:9-16 The eye has not seen, nor the ear heard
1Cor. 2:15 We must appraise..judge all things
1Cor. 3:1-2 Eat steak, don't just drink milk
1Cor. 6:3 "you shall judge Angel's" translation error
1Cor. 8:7-13 Don't become a stumbling block
1Cor. 9:24-29 The hippodrome in Caesarea
1Cor. 10:11 Things were written for an example
1Cor. 10:20-21 You can't drink from both good and evil cups
1Cor. 10:25-28 Meat sacrificed to idols
1Cor. 11:4-10 Men and women's clothing
1Cor. 11:30 Many are weak and sick, spiritually asleep
1Cor. 11:31 Be judged rightly by the word
1Cor. 11:34 Don't be glutenous during communion
1Cor. 13:8 Has knowledge been done away with?
*1Cor. 14:34-35 Women be silent during fellowship..Prophets..Teachers
1Cor. 15:29 Being baptized for the dead
1John 2:4 The lawless (Christians) are liars
1John 2:18-19 Many anti-christ's are among us
*1John 3:4..Sin is lawlessness
1John 5:3 His commandments are not burdensome
*1Kgs. 18:20-40 Baal, the god of fire
1Pet. 1:15-16 To be holy you must be set-apart, obedient..be holy
*1Pet. 3:3-4 Men's & women's clothing..Vanity..Pride..Identification..(See Vanity..Pt. 1 & 2, or Identification)
1Pet. 5:13 Peter called Rome Babylon
1Sam. 15:23, 27 Rebellion is as witchcraft
1Sam. 17:31-51 King David was not a child
1Ths. 5:2 Like a thief in the night Hebrew idiom
1Ths. 5:17 Pray without ceasing
1Tim. 2:12 Women not to exercise authority over men
1Tim. 4:1 They follow lying spirits
1Tim. 4:3-5 Abstaining from food, forbidding marriage
2Cor. 3:7-8 Why was Moses face so shiny?
2Cor. 12:2-6 Paul talking about himself
2Cor. 12:7 Paul's thorn in the side
2Kgs. 6:5-7 Miracle of the axe floating
2Pet. 2:22 Only a dog returns to its vomit
2Pet. 3:8 A day is as a thousand years
2Sam. 24:2, 15 From Dan to Beersheba
*2Ths. 2:4..New Third/Temple..Abomination of Desolation
2Ths. 2:11-12 Yah will send them a deluding influence
2Tim. 3:16-17 What does "scripture" mean?.. All scripture is inspired
Aaronic Blessing/Benediction (Num. 6:24-26)
A toast to the bride and groom
*Abomination of Desolation..Will a New Temple Be Built?
*Abomination..Prayers of the lawless are an abomination..Prov. 28:9
*Abomination of desolation..Matt. 24:15-25
*Abraham's Bosom..Hades..Sheol..New Jerusalem..Heavens..Lake of Fire..
*Abram/Abraham and Sarai/Sarah..the "H"
Acts 1:18-20 Judas hung himself
*Acts 2:1 The beginning of the church era
Acts 2:4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:17-21 I will pour out My Spirit in the last days
Acts 2:41 3000 lost, 3000 found
Acts 7:2-60 Stephen is stoned to death
Acts 8:38-40 The Spirit snatched Peter away
*Acts 11:5-11 Peter's vision of unclean food
Acts 11:26 First called Christians?
Acts 12:4 "Easter"..terrible translation error of the KJV
Acts 14:11-13 The gods have become like men
*Acts 17:24..Church..House of prayer
Acts 18:14-15 About words and names
Acts 19:6 Laying hands on people for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Acts 20:7 First day of the week they gathered
Acts 21:25 Abstain from eating blood
*Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden
*Afikomen.."It is finished", John 19:30
*America, Babylon the Great..666..Destruction of Babylon..Statue of Liberty
American flag, it's occult connection..(See American Seal Pt 2 of 2)
Amen the "hidden god" many people pray to
*Alters (MPD/DID/PTSD) anxiety disorders..(See MPD)
Anti-semitism in the proclaimed christian church
*Antivenom..Sheep's blood (Lamb of God) is antidote analogy
*Anxiety disorders (MPD/DID/PTSD)..See MPD
*Armor of Yahveh/Elohim (God)..Eph. 6:11-19
*Baal, The god of Fire..1Kgs. 18:20-40..Elijah & Yehu
*Babylon the Great, America..666..Destruction of Babylon..Statue of Liberty
Baptisms..(Mikveh) The six listed in our bible
Believe it or not? Castrati of the Roman Catholic Church
Believe it or not? Luther's catechism and the sabbath
Biblical lunar calendar..Rosh Hodesh..Jubilee Year
Binding and loosing..Gates of Hades..Peter the rock (Matt. 16:16-19)
*Bible in its correct chronological order
*Bible scrolls , copying the scrolls
Biblical words..Frequency of..Tenakh..Word..Armor of Yah
*Birth of Messiah Yeshua (Daniel's connection)
Bohemian Grove..Bilderbergers..Masons..Jesuits, and other Secret Societies
(See Secret Societies Part 1, 2 & 3)
Book of Hebrews, Did Paul write it? does it belong in the cannon of scripture?
Book of Revelation corrected and in its correct chronological order
Born again Believers ultimate goal should be
British Israel Theology..(Jerusalem Hymn)
*Bronze serpent on pole..Moses strikes rock..Caldwells' find
*Building blocks of the Universe and everything in it "ET"..
*Cabala..Caballah..Kabala..Kaballah.. (Witchcraft/Mysticism)
*Calendar..Hebrew..Roman..Understanding it..Pt 1 of 2
*Calendar..Hebrew..Roman..Understanding it..Pt 2 of 2
*Calvary..Israels Divorce..Get
*Calvary..Pt. 1 of 2..Trials..Crucifixion..Golgotha..What Yeshua did for us?
*Calvary..Pt. 2 of 2..Salvation..Who really killed Yeshua?..Resurrection
Canadian Parliament/Government Masonic Connection..Occult..Gargoyles
Camels and the well..Isaac's wife (Gen. 24:10-20)
*Castrati..Singers in the RCC..Believe it or not?
*Celibacy of Roman Catholic Priests..Sexual perversity
*Charismatic witches in the churches..Witchcraft
*Church..Acts 17:24..House of Prayer
Church (exactly what is it?)..Replacement theology
*Church steeples..obelisks...phallic symbols..Washington Monument
*Christians can't count to 3???
Christianity's false prophets, teachers and preachers
*Christmas/New Years (Their pagan origins)
*Chronological order of the bible in its proper order
*Clothing 1Pet. 3:3-4 men's and women's (See Vanity Pt. 1-2)
*Colors and units of measure used in prophesy..day..hour..etc.
Col. 2:13-15 Yeshua cancelled the debt..cheirographon
Col. 2:16-17 Sabbath..Sabbath's translation error
"Come out of her My people","Daughters of the whore"..(see Rev. 17:5 & 18:4)
*Communion..Eucharist..Mass..Seder Supper
Confessionals of the Roman Catholic church
*Correct chronological order of the Old and Re-Newed Testaments
Corruption (Meaning of the word)
*Covenants of Yahveh/New Testament/Covenant..Renewed..Re-Newed better than old..Pt. 2 of 2
*Creation verses the lies of Evolution & Science..Origin of God..Pt 1 of 2
Creation verses the lies of Evolution & Science..Spiritual Warfare Pt 2 of 2
Cross..Occult symbol..Easter/Ishtar..Isis..The Fertility Goddess
*Chronological order of the bible corrected.
Crown of thorns on Yeshua's head
*Crusades..Inquisitions..Roman Catholic Atrocities..Hitler Connection..Anti-Semitism
(see also Anti-Semitism Pt. 1 & 2)
*Cup of bitterness..Wormwood..Gall..Grapes of poison..Opioids..Fentanyl
Dagon god hat..Fish god of the Roman Catholic Church
Daniel's connection to the birth of Yeshua
*Daniel's vision of the four beasts Dan. 7..Pt 1 of 3
*Daniel's vision of the four beasts Dan. 7..Pt 2 of 3
*Daniel's vision of the four beasts Dan. 7..Pt 3 of 3
Daughters of the Roman Catholic Whore..Flee Babylon! (see Rev. 17:5 & 18:4)
Deliverance and exorcism...the difference between them
*Demons, can Believers have them?
Demons, another subject no one wants to talk about
Den of robbers (Matt. 21:12-13, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46, John 2:14-16)
*Destroyer, who is El Shaddai..shalom..Fire
*Deut. 6:4 Essence of Yahveh and Yeshua..Godhead..Shema
Deut. 15:7-8 lending money to the poor
Deut. 17:14-16 Kinsmen (Lev. 25:23-28, 39:43, Jer. 32:6, Ruth 4.)
Deut. 21:18-21 Remove the evil son from your midst
Deut. 22:6-7 The least of the commandments
*Deut. 22:11 (Lev. 19:19) See Mixing things (cloth/livestock/seeds)
*Deut. 26:12 Tithing to teachers, ministries and the poor
Deut. 32:31-33 (See Wormwood Gall, Grapes of poison, cup of bitterness)
*Devil's New King James version bible
*DID/MPD...(Dissociative identity/multiple personality disorder)..PTSD..Anxiety Disorders..See MPD
Difference between exorcism (witchcraft), and deliverance
Divorce of Israel (Get)..Calvary
*Don't forsake the assembly of the people..Hebr. 10:24-26
*"DO NOT THINK" The motto of the christian church, Matt. 5:17-20, Fulfill, Sermon on mount
Drash..Midrash..(See four levels of Torah study)
*Dust of the Rabbis feet..Matt. 14:25-29 (See Synagogue education)
*Easter and the cross..(Ishtar eggs and rabbits)
*Eph. 6:11-19..Armor of Yahveh/Elohim (God)
Egg..Sinless egg of the Holy Spirit..Yeshua's birth
*El Shaddai..Shalom..Who is the destroyer?..Fire
English language mess..idioms..Hebrew play on words..
Enoch, the books we have available
Eph. 2:14-15 Oral commandments
Errors in the King James Bible
"ET", Hebrew, the building blocks of the Universe..Gen. 1:1
*Essence/Make-up of Yahveh and Yeshua, Shema Deut. 6:4
*Eucharist..Communion..Mass. Seder Supper
*Evolution..See Creation...Science..Time Pt 1-2
Exod. 3:8 Land of milk and honey
Exod. 9:6 Pharaoh's livestock killed
Exod. 17:14-16 War against Amalek forever
Exod. 19:17-19 Smoke, Fire, Mt. Sinai,Tongues of fire (Acts 2:2-3)
Exod. 20:7..Taking His name in vain in the christian churches
Exod. 20:18 The people saw the sound of the trumpets/shofars
Exod. 21:24-25 Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
Exod. 22:21 Strangers in another land..Muslim Immigration
Exod. 22:26-27 Neighbors cloak as a pledge
Exod. 32:4-5 Golden Calf..Miniature idols
Exod. 34:26b Kid in its mothers milk
Exod. 35:3 Don't kindle a fire on the sabbath
*Eye of the needle (Matt. 19:24)
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth..Exod. 21:24-25
Exorcism and deliverance..the difference
Ezek. 8:14 Lent..Weeping for Tammuz
Ezek. 29:8-16 Prophesy of Egypt losing its power and authority forever
Ezekiel's wheel vision (Ezek. 1:3:11)
*False prophets/ True prophets/Teachers/Preachers
False and real speaking in tongues
*Feast of Dedication...Hanukkah
Feasts introduction Part 1 of 2 (Dress Rehearsal, Biblical, Hillel, Diaspora calendar,
Start of the day, week, month, Rosh Hodesh, new moon, moon phases)
Feasts Introduction Part 2 of 2 (Rosh Hodesh summary, Biblical New Year, Jubilee
Year, 7 steps to salvation seen in the Feasts)
*Feast of Pentecost/Shavuot/Weeks
Feasts of Yah salvation connection
*Feast of Tabernacles..Sukkot..Booths..Historic Relevance..Simchat Torah..Sukkah..Pt 1 of 2
Feast of Trumpets/Yom T'ruah..Teshuvah..Two Silver Trumpets..Tradition..Pt. 1 of 2
Feast of the Last Great Day.. Water libation ceremony
Feminist movement, symbol at the Vatican
*Fentanyl..Grapes of poison..Opioid's..Wormwood (See Wormwood)
*Fire..Destroyer..El Shaddai..Shalom
Fish symbol..Catholic Dagon god
Flee Babylon!..Daughters of the Roman Catholic Whore..(See Rev. 17:5 & 18:4)
*"Follow me".."Let the dead bury the dead"..(Matt. 8:21-22, Luke 9:57-62)
*Foot washing...Last supper (John 13:1-20)
Fornication, exactly what is it?
Forty, the significance of the number
*Four Beasts of Daniel's vision chapter 7 (See Daniel's Visions)
*Four levels of understanding torah..P"shat, Remez, Drash, & Sod)
*Four colors of the Temple veil
*Four miracles required of the Messiah
*Four types of law..instructions..(See Law Pt 1-6)
Freedom to captives..Moses seat..Luke 4:16-21
*Fulfill..Sermon on the mount..Matt. 5:17-20
*Gadarene (Gerezene) Demoniac..Matt. 8:24-28..Satan divided
*Gall..Wormwood..Grapes of poison..Opioids..Fentanyl..Cup of bitterness
*Gematria..Numbers..their importance
Gen. 1:2 Darkness was over the surface of the earth
Gen. 1:26 Yeshua was there at creation
Gen. 1:3, 14 Let there be light
Gen. 3:1-15 Tree in the middle of the garden
Gen. 3:15 Between your seed and her seed
Gen. 3:17 Because you listened to your wife
Gen. 4:1-8 Cain and Abel's sacrifice
Gen. 5:32 Noah spent a hundred years building the ark
Gen. 9:3 You can eat all animals?
Gen. 10:9-10 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD
Gen. 14:1-3, 19:30-38 Mystery of the 5 Kings and 5 Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
*Gen. 19:24-25 Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed
Gen. 22:9-14 Abraham offers up Isaac
Gen. 24:10-20 The camels and the well
Gen. 25:21-26 Two nations struggling in the womb
Gen. 25:29-34 Esau sold his birthright to Jacob
Gen. 26:7-11 Why did Abraham and Isaac lie?
Gen. 27:40-41 Islamic terrorists
Gen. 29:1-3 The stone (Yeshua) in front of the well
Gen. 29:31-35 The mystery of the "Gospel of Leah"
*Gen. 30:14-16..Leah and the mandrakes
Gen. 33:1-2 Origin of the Two Houses of Israel
Gen. 33:4 "Kiss of death" Prophesy..Arafat and Peres
Gen. 35:4 Jewelry..tattoos..sculptured beards
Gen. 38:8-10 Wasted his seed on the ground
Gen. 46:32-34 Shepherds and Cattlemen
Gentiles..3 types..Foreigner..Stranger..Alien
Gifts of the Ruach (Holy Spirit)
*Giants...Sons of God..Nephilim
*GMF..Genetically modified foods..Mixing things
"God inhabits the praises of His people" lie
*God of America..American Seal..See American Seal Pt. 1 & 2
*Godhead..Essence/Make-up of Yahveh and Yeshua..Shema..Deut. 6:4
Golden calf...Miniature idols Exod. 32:4-5
Gospels..Synoptic Gospels, what are they?
*Governments, Kings, Leaders, Politicians
*Grapes of poison...Wormwood..Gall..Opioids..Fentanyl..
*Greek..Roman..Latin pagan gods
*Hades..Sheol..Abraham's bosom..New Jerusalem..What happen's when you die?
*"H"..Breath of Ruach Hakodesh in Abraham & Sara
Halloween..Bonfires..All Saints day..St. John's day
Halloween Hell-house in some christian churches???
Halloween sacrifices in satanism
*Hanukkah..Feast of Dedication
*Heavens..Lake of Fire..Hades..Sheol..NJ..What happens when you die?
Hebr. 10:24-26 Don't forsake the assembly of the people
Hebr. 11:1 Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for
*Hebrew and Roman Calendars..Understanding them..Pt 1 of 2
*Hebrew and Roman Calendars..Understanding them..Pt 2 of 2
*Hebrew words, "ET", the building blocks of the Universe..Gen. 1:1
*Hebrews (Messianic's), Paul didn't write it, should it be in the canon?
Hebrew Roots ..Messianic movement problem
*Hell, Gehenna as described in Mark 9:46-47..See Mark 9:46-47
*High Priests garments..pomegranate bells on the hem
Hippodrome at Caesarea Paul talked about (1Cor. 9:24-27)
*HIS NAME..Proper names of God (Yahveh & Yeshua)
*Homosexuals..Sexual perverse..Jezebel spirits..Lesbians..Queers
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
Hosea 6:1-2 He will revive us on the third day
How to study Torah..four levels of study
*Husbands, Wives, Yah's theocracy
Hypnotism with music as seen in the churches
*Identification..Men's and Women's clothing (See also Vanity Pt.1-2)
*Illumination of the Temple ceremony
Inquisitions..Crusades..Hitler..other Roman Catholic atrocities (See also Anti-Semitism Pt 1-2)
If Yeshua Came To Your House (poem)
Illuminati..Masons..KOC..PK..CFR..other Secret Societies, see Secret Societies Pt 1-3
Illumination of the Temple ceremony..John 8:12
Immigration..Muslim..Exod. 22:21 Strangers in another land
In the eyes of the Father..Easter and the cross
Instructions..Law (four types) Commandments..Sabbath (See Four types of Law (pt 1-6)
Isa. 8:19 "Communion of Saint's" lie of the Roman Catholic Church..Apostles Creed
Isa. 11:6-9, 65:25 "The Lion shall lay down with the lamb" error
Isa. 14:8 Cedars of Lebanon christmas trees
Isa. 14:12-13 "Star of the morning"..Satan
Isa. 17:1 Prophesy come to life..Damascus Syria will be destroyed
Isa. 40:11 He will gather them in His bosom
Isa. 45:7 Creating calamity, creating evil
Isa. 53:1-2 Yeshua, a root out of parched ground..The Orthodox Jews will have no part
Isa. 61:1 Adonai has anointed me to be used to set the captives free
Isa. 64:6 Our righteousness is like filthy rags
*Ishtar/Isis..(Easter eggs and rabbits)..the cross
Islam Pt 2 of 2..Islamic Secret Societies, Ishmael, Hitler Connection, Terrorists, Islam Exposed
*Israel's divorce..Get..Calvary
Israel/Israelite the word..What does it mean?
"It is finished" afikomen (John 19:30)
"It's the thought that counts" lie
Jacob's ladder (Yeshua)..Gen. 28:10-12,18,22, 29:1-3
James 1:22-25 Torah in the mirror
James 2:17 Faith without works is dead
James 4:7 Submit to Yah and the devil will flee
James 5:16 Confess your sins to one another
Jer. 10:1-4 Christmas trees, (erect penis), and balls (testicles) of the sun gods
Jer. 14:11 Do not even pray for these people
*Jer. 16:14-18 I am sending fisherman and Hunters (Matt. 4:18-19)
Jer. 19:10-13 You are to break the jar
Jer. 31-31-34 Renewed covenant..see "Law, Four types of law"
Jesus..The Real Messiah's real name is Yeshua..See His name
Jesuits..Black pope (See Black Pope)
*Jesuit oaths..Masons..Illuminati...KOC...KKK..See Secret Societies..Pt 1-3
*Jesuits..Opus Dei..Bohemian..See Secret Societies Pt 1-3.
*Jewelry..Pride..Vanity..Earrings..Tattoo's..Beards..Lev. 19:27..Identification Pt. 1 of 2
*Jewelry..Pride..Vanity..Earrings..Tattoo's..Beards..Lev. 19:27..Identification Pt. 2 of 2
Jews and Christians (How they see each other)
Jewish divorce papers..See "Get"
*Jezebel spirits..Sexual perverse..Homosexuals..Lesbians..Queers
*Jgs. 1:6-7..Thumbs & Toes cut off of Kings
Jgs. 7:6..Those who lapped water
Jgs. 11:30-35 Jephthah's daughters death
Joel 2:15-17 Proclaim a solemn assembly (Feast)
Joel 2:23 Former and latter rains
Joel 2:27-29 Son's and daughters will dream dream and prophesy
John 1:1-2 The Word (Yeshua) was with Yah and the Word was Yah
John 1:14 Yeshua the Word..firstborn made flesh
John 5:46-47, 14:6..The torah (chet) is the fence
*John 5:1-9 The pool at Bethesda
John 6:22-26 Receivers, not givers
*John 7:37-38 The water libation ceremony
*John 8:1-8 The writing in the sand
*John 8:12 Illumination of the Temple ceremony
John 10:27-29 No man can snatch them away from the Father's hand
*John 13:1-20 Foot washing..Last Supper
John 14:12 Greater works than these
John 14:15 Love, what is love really?
John 15:16 The predestination error
John 17:12 Judas was the "Son of Perdition"
John 18:10 Peter cut off his right ear
*John 20:22..Yeshua breathed on His disciples and they were spirit filled
*John 21:6-11...153 fish thematic connection
John 21:15-18 "Do you love Me" asked three times
Jonah 2:10 Fish god Dagon of Nineveh
Jonah 3:3-4 Nineveh the largest city in the world
Josh. 3:14-17 Jordan River, a symbol of death
Josh 4:5 Mark the place Israel crossed over
Josh. 5:14-15 Michael the captain of the Hosts
Josh. 10:12-14 The missing time (2Kgs. 20:9-11, Isa. 38:8)
Jubilee Year..Rosh Hodesh..Biblical calendar
Judas hung himself..Acts 1:18-20
Jude 9 Michael disputing over the bones
Judgement, what's wrong with it?
*Judgement..Do not judge.. Matt. 7:1-6
*Kaballah..Kabala..Cabala..Cabbalah (Witchcraft/Mysticism)
*Keys to the Kingdom Matt. 16:16-19
Kid in its mothers milk (Exod. 34:26b)
*Kings, Government, Leaders..Politicians
Kinsmen Deut. 17:14-16..Lev. 25:39-43, 25:23-28, Jer. 32:6-10, Ruth 4,
Knights of Columbus secret society of the Roman Catholic Church (See also Secret Societies Pt 1-3)